Scorpion Venom

Scorpion Venom

“If you dare nothing, then when the day is over, nothing is all you will have gained.” ~ Neil Gaiman

Scorpion Venom

Within the bounds of ethical behavior, you’re committed to becoming a financial success. There’s no late night, grim project, or problematic client you won’t take on to reach your goal. If those statements describe you, I’ve got a unique opportunity that will advance research in cancer treatments with a $39 million payoff . All you have to do is harvest a gallon of scorpion venom, and you’ll be an instant multimillionaire. Due to scientists’ use of unique compounds found within the venom and low harvest yield, scorpion venom is the most valuable liquid on the planet.

A portion of anyone’s success is the ability to evaluate and manage the risk versus reward equation. Every decision we make in a business setting is a risk. In the spectrum of staying the course to proposing an innovation, there are risk factors along every point. Like a future orientation or culture of change, leaders must be comfortable swimming in the pool of risks.

Let’s go back to the scorpion venom proposition and evaluate the risk factors. Of the two thousandish species of scorpions, the venom of forty-odd species can kill a human. A gallon of venom will require over 7,500 extractions. The harvest process involves applying an electric shock to the scorpion’s stinger, and the venom is mined with a pipette. Using a nonscientific statistical evaluation, there’s better than a good chance of being stung by a non-lethal scorpion during the process. Being an awesome leader, I’m sure you’ve considered using protective gear to limit the risk of getting stung. How does your risk versus reward ratio stand now?

You’ll get a gold star if you added innovation to your approach. If you proposed developing a robot that extracts the scorpion venom, you’re on the right track. Such a robot currently exists and removes any risk of human contact with the creepy-crawlies. No portion of our skill set exists in a vacuum. Stringing individual skills and prior experiences together creates a synergy that sends our results off the charts!


Consider this …

1. List two major issues, problems, or challenges you’re facing in your business, project, or workplace right now.

2. Outline the primary stakeholders of these issues, problems, or challenges.

3. Develop a plan to speak with as many of those stakeholders as possible to get their take on the situation.


For more, check out The Top Performer’s Field Guide, The Innovator’s Field Guide, or visit

(Originally published in The Top Performer’s Field Guide.)

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Todd Greer

todd greer testimonial

“I have worked with and around Jeff for over a decade. Jeff is a tenacious business leader and attacks challenges with a no-nonsense, thoughtful, innovator’s mindset. Equally important, he is an expert at the “human-factor,” which can completely undermine an academic approach to problem solving, and he interlaces his understanding of psychology and sociology with his many years of practical experience to produce results.”

Todd Greer
CEO, SpotRight, Inc.

Ryke Dismuke

ryke dismuke testimonial

“The task of taking vision to a reality seemed very daunting at first, but Jeff Standridge enabled, coached, and gave me the confidence to enthusiastically push through that process. His insight is always structured, clear, logical and most of all, effective. I could not have navigated this process as efficiently without his help. “

Ryke Dismuke
CEO, Golf IQ

Will Spero

“Jeff is amazing. His sales acceleration program was not only spot on, and customized for our way of business, it motivated the salespeople to put more effort into their craft.”

Will Spero
CEO, Mailer's Haven

Eduardo Ramalho

eduardo ramalho testimonial

“Jeff is an outstanding person. He has a unique capability to address and overcome professional challenges without losing the human face of the business. His international expertise is amazing. He manages and respects cultural differences and knows like anybody how to make the business grow and become profitable, all with a great sense of humor and friendship. He is a natural leader who motivates his people to work and focus on solving difficult business problems.”

Eduardo Ramalho
Consultant, Speaker and Professor, former CEO of Acxiom Brazil
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