The team at Jeff Standridge Innovation Partners is passionate about helping build sustained entrepreneurial ecosystems around the world, starting right here in our home state of Arkansas. This is our Social Mission. To that end, a portion of the proceeds from each engagement with JSI Partners directly supports the mission of the following:
Our Support:

Talent Development
Entrepreneurs are emerging at younger ages than ever before. Helping young people (K12 through College) to understand that there are viable career paths to entrepreneurship is critical to building the entrepeneurial talent pool. In addition, it is important that students who have no entrepreneurial aspirations understand that even established companies look to hire innovative, entrepreneurial talent.

Entrepreneurial Programs & Events
Entrepreneurs and Aspirting Entrepreneurs need access to an ecosystem of programs, events, and networking activities. Creating opportunities for these creative collisions to occur is vital to building out a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.

One-to-One Coaching & Mentoring
Approximately 85% of all net-new jobs comes from entrepreneurs and small businesses. In addition, over half of the American workforce is employed in business with less than 500 employees. But these small businesses fail at an alarming rate. Many times, for very preventable reasons. The free, one-on-one coaching & mentoring provided by these organizations is one of the most valuable things they do.

Access to Capital
Scalable ventures often need capital to fuel their growth. Becoming “capital ready” and then accessing that capital is a process that requires knowledge, discipline and execution. That process is not intuitive to most entrepreneurs. Having organizations like this who prepare & advise entrepreneurs throughout this process is critical part of enabling these potentially scalable ventures.

All of these impact strategies, along with others, work together to build an ecosystem where entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, inventors, and makers can launch and scale their entrepreneurial ventures. This ecosystem building is a critical part of economic development in any community.
When you engage JSI Partners or when you purchase “The Innovator’s Field Guide”, you not only receive the critical support you’re looking for to further your own goals and objectives, but you are also making a conscious decision to help innovators and entrepreneurs further their goals and objectives and in this way, you help change the world.
Thank you for not only supporting JSI Partners, but also for supporting these worthy initiatives.